Pope Leo XII (A.D. 1823 – 1829): “We profess that there is no salvation outside the Church. …For the Church is the pillar and ground of the truth. With reference to those words Augustine says: `If any man be outside the Church he will be excluded from the number of sons, and will not have God for Father since he has not the Church for mother.’” (Encyclical, Ubi Primum )
and to fewer still so to love the truth which they have seen as to fly to its embrace. -St. Robert Bellarmine
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Pope asks Mary to protect families from falling apart
On Sunday afternoon, Pope Benedict XVI visited the Marian Shrine of Our Lady of the Oak as part of his pastoral visit to area surrounding Viterbo. While at the shrine the Pope prayed before the Blessed Sacrament and read out a prayer calling upon the Virgin Mary to protect families that are at risk of being divided .
Addressing the religious the Holy Father said: "To you I entrust my intentions, the intentions of the pastor of this diocese and the needs of everyone who lives in this land. In this Year for Priests I especially entrust you with clergy, seminarians and vocations. ... Offer the Lord the sacrifice of your lives for their sanctification and for the good of souls.”
Returning to his request for his prayer in his role as a successor to St. Peter, Benedict XVI asked Mary to extend her “maternal protection" to him and “the Church entrusted to his care.” “Queen of peace,” he prayed, “obtain the gift of harmony and peace for peoples and for all humankind.”
The Holy Father also prayed that the Blessed Virgin would "keep our families united, which today suffer threats from all sides, and make them centers of serenity and harmony where patient dialogue dissipates difficulties and contrasts. Watch especially over those that are divided or in crisis."
Those who seek to spread the Gospel to the world were also on the Pope's mind as he prayed, "make the will of those whom the Lord of the harvest calls to be workers in His vineyard firm and decided, so that, resisting all the temptations and pitfalls of the world, they may persevere generously in following the path they have taken and, with your maternal help, be witnesses of Christ, attracted by the brilliance of His Love.”
Finally, Pope Benedict implored Mary to: "Console those who weep, who suffer for human injustice; support those who waver under the burden of fatigue and look to the future without hope; encourage those who work to build a better world in which justice many triumph and fraternity reign, in which egoism, hatred and violence may end. May every form and expression of violence be overcome by the pacifying power of Christ.”
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Benedict XVI: The source of joy is the goodness of God
The source of joy is the goodness of God.
Benedict XVI recalled this at the end of the General Audience catechesis on Wednesday, September 2nd, which was held in the Vatican's Paul VI Hall before approximately 8 thousand people .
Pope praying for spread of Gospel and Christian courage in September
As Pope Benedict winds down his time at the papal summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, he is also praying for the spread of the Gospel and that Christians in Asia are not deterred from witnessing to Christ.
For the month of September, Pope Benedict XVI's general intention is: "That the word of God may be better known, welcomed and lived as the source of freedom and joy."
His mission intention is: "That Christians in Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar, who often meet with great difficulties, may not be discouraged from announcing the Gospel to their brothers, trusting in the strength of the Holy Spirit "
Habemus Papam!
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Pope praying for spread of Gospel and Christian courage in September
For the month of September, Pope Benedict XVI's general intention is: "That the word of God may be better known, welcomed and lived as the source of freedom and joy."
His mission intention is: "That Christians in Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar, who often meet with great difficulties, may not be discouraged from announcing the Gospel to their brothers, trusting in the strength of the Holy Spirit."
Pope praying for spread of Gospel and Christian courage in September
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Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Monday, August 03, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Happy Birthday dearest Holy Father , Pope Benedict XVI
Today, April 16th, marks the 82nd birthday of our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI.
Let us pray for Benedict, our Pope.
May the Lord preserve him, and give him life, and make him blessed upon the earth, and deliver him not up to the will of his enemies. [Ps 40:3]
Our Father, Hail Mary.
God our Father,
Shepherd and Guide,
look with love on Pope Benedict XVI Your servant,
the pastor of Your Church.
May his word and example inspire and guide the Church,
and may he, and all those entrusted to his care,
come to the joy of everlasting life.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God,
for ever and ever.Amen
Friday, April 03, 2009
Remembering the Pope of all souls John Paul II
Four years ago today, on April 2, 2005, Pope John Paul II died after 26 and a half years as Pope — one of the longest and most event-filled pontificates in the history of the Church.
He showed that one could lead by faith instead of force, justice instead of injustice, humanity instead of inhumanity.
He had an unshakeable conviction that the message of his Founder was a wiser way to govern the world. As he said:
"When good overcomes evil, love prevails and where love prevails, there peace prevails."
His great message enobles the human spirit, challenging all to the greatness to which they are called .
He is gone - but his message is not. It never will. The people of this world will not let that flame die, for it is the flame of life itself. As he said:
"Peace is the outcome of a long and demanding battle which is only won when evil is defeated by good."
As he lay on his death bed, his final words to the world was:
"I am happy . . you should be."
Now I'm happy that Holy See hopes to raise John Paul II to the altars “as soon as possible” . In an interview with Vatican Radio, Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, said that like many people in the world, the Holy See hopes the beatification of John Paul II will occur “as soon as possible” but that the normal process would be followed.
During the solemn Mass celebrated for the 4th anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s death, Pope Benedict XVI encouraged young people to follow the example of his predecessor, who did not accept any compromise when the Truth was at stake.
Thank you Holy Father Benedict for remembering Pope John Paul II .
Let us faithfuly pray :
O Blessed Trinity
We thank You for having graced the Church
with Pope John Paul II
and for allowing the tenderness of your Fatherly care,
the glory of the cross of Christ,
and the splendor of the Holy Spirit,
to shine through him.
Trusting fully in Your infinite mercy
and in the maternal intercession of Mary,
he has given us a living image of Jesus the Good Shepherd,
and has shown us that holiness
is the necessary measure of ordinary Christian life
and is the way of achieving eternal communion with you.
Grant us, by his intercession, and according to Your will,
the graces we implore,
hoping that he will soon be numbered
among your saints.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
An Open Letter
" It is an outrage and a scandal that “Our Lady’s University,” one of the premier Catholic universities in the United States, would bestow such an honor on President Obama given his clear support for policies and laws that directly contradict fundamental Catholic teachings on life and marriage.
This nation has many thousands of accomplished leaders in the Catholic Church, in business, in law, in education, in politics, in medicine, in social services, and in many other fields who would be far more appropriate choices to receive such an honor from the University of Notre Dame.
Instead Notre Dame has chosen prestige over principles, popularity over morality. Whatever may be President Obama’s admirable qualities, this honor comes on the heels of some of the most anti-life actions of any American president, including expanding federal funding for abortions and inviting taxpayer-funded research on stem cells from human embryos. [..]
We prayerfully implore you to halt this travesty immediately. We do so with the hope that Catholics nationwide will likewise call on you to uphold the sacred mission of your Catholic university. May God grant you the courage and wisdom to do what is right."
What honest Fr. Jenkings doesn't remember is that evil has nerve and insolence ! Of course that mr.pres shall expose himself and he will never give up to his very little victory : being awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the University of Notre Dame . But hey mr.chosen one , that's such a small victory , very small ... exactly like evil is , insignifiant ! The one who laughs last, laughs best !
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Notre Dame Students Condemn University President for Allowing Obama Speech
The same nerve is having the chosen one , his desire is look like as price of glory to come inside of catholic Notre Dame College , to mock all values of catholicism , to gain another kind virtual ( and very ephemere ) victory ( with the help of some arrogant pseudo - catholics )
In response to the announcement that the pro-abortion “rights” Obama will deliver the commencement address at Notre Dame, CatholicVote.org has partnered with the Cardinal Newman Society to establish a web petition for Catholics and others who wish to protest the university’s invitation of the president. Petition protesting Obama speech at Notre Dame nearing 90,000 ( this detail is for the anonymous comments )
While much of the condemnation of the speech pro-abortion Obama will be allowed to give at Notre Dame's graduation ceremony has come from outside the university, an ad hoc assembly of student groups representing thousands of students is opposing the decision.
"In defense of the unborn, we wish to express our deepest opposition to Reverend John I. Jenkins' invitation of pr.Obama to be the University of Notre Dame’s principal commencement speaker and the recipient of an honorary degree," the groups said .
Also Notre Dame students said that the social justice issue of our day is the deliberate, legal attack on the most vulnerable members of society, the unborn. To award a Notre Dame law degree to a lawyer and politician who has used the law to deny equality to the unborn diminishes the value of the degree itself.
Standing for their rights
Read more about , in Notre Dame Response
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Our Lady Weeps, The Struggle for Notre Dame is Engaged
There is a struggle underway for the Catholic identity of “Our Lady’s University” and the faithful have been roused again to a new Catholic Action.
One after another, lay defenders of the Catholic faith used their perches at the intersection of faith and culture to call attention to the troubling announcement that one of the Nation’s premier Catholic Universities, the University of Notre Dame, was going to award an Honorary Doctor of Law Degree to President Barack Obama and have him send off the graduating class of 2009 as their Commencement speaker.
Pro-life leaders including Joe Scheidler, Deal Hudson, Austin Ruse, Patrick Reilly, Drew Mariani…. all denounced the invitation, calling attention to the fact that this President, in less than 100 days in office, has demonstrated by his executive orders and political appointments that he does not recognize the fundamental human Right to Life, and fails to hear the cry of those whom Mother Teresa rightly called, the “poorest of the poor”, children in the first home of the whole human race. Patrick Reilly, through the outstanding work of the “Cardinal Newman Society” immediately launched a massive petition effort http://www.notredamescandal.com/
The Catechism in Paragraph 972 quotes this insight from the 2d Vatican Council: “…the Mother of Jesus, in the glory which she possesses in body and soul in heaven, is the image and beginning of the Church as it is to be perfected in the world to come. Likewise she shines forth on earth until the day of the Lord shall come, a sign of certain hope and comfort to the pilgrim People of God.” The University of Notre Dame is “Our Lady’s University”. As such, it is a symbol of the Catholic Church for the whole world.
With this choice, I believe the University has made Our Lady Weep. I encourage all who read this article to continue to strongly and loudly protest this choice by the leadership of Notre Dame and try to have it rescinded. If we are unsuccessful, then let us all take our cue from the Catholics of Connecticut whose Catholic Action recently prevented the passage of anti-Catholic legislation in Hartford. Let’s get the busses ready for a trip to South Bend, Indiana.
The Struggle for Notre Dame is engaged.
Read whole article here
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Papal Message to Conference on Women
The Holy Father asked participants carry on the task of correcting the misconception "that Christianity is simply a collection of commandments and prohibitions." He wonderfully said : "as you reflect on the role of women in the promotion of human rights, I invite you to keep in mind a task to which I have drawn attention on several occasions: namely, to correct any misconception that Christianity is simply a collection of commandments and prohibitions. The Gospel is a message of joy which encourages men and women to delight in spousal love; far from stifling it, Christian faith and ethics make it healthy, strong and truly free. This is the exact meaning of the Ten Commandments: they are not a series of "noes" but a great "yes" to love and to life .
Deo Gratias for this charismatic and insightful message , God bless and keep our Holy Father Benedict XVI
Saturday, February 28, 2009
The Holy Father asked to live this Lent season as a period of conversion and reconciliation of all Christians
VATICAN CITY, FEB. 27, 2009 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI will be praying in March that all nations grow in appreciation of the dignity and value of women and their roles in society.
The Apostleship of Prayer announced this general intention chosen by the Pope.
The Holy Father also chooses an apostolic intention for each month. In March, he will pray for Church unity in China, as enjoined in the letter he sent to the Chinese faithful in 2007.
The intention reads: "That all the bishops, priests, consecrated persons, and laity of the Catholic Church in China may strive to be instruments of unity, communion and peace."
Also the Holy Father wrote and asked to live this Lent season :"as a period of conversion and reconciliation of all Christians, so that the noble aspirations of the human heart can be fulfilled and an
authenticPeace prevail among peoples and communities."
The Pontiff pointed out that Lent "invites us to fight with every effort to do the good, precisely because we know how difficult it is for men to seriously decide to practice Justice."
The Holy Father affirmed, that even if we obtain "a fair distribution of wealth and a harmonious organization of society," some things will never disappear, such as "the pain of illness, of misunderstanding and loneliness, of the death of loved ones, of the experience of our own limitations."
The Lord, he says, "abhors injustices and condemns those who commit them," but "respects the freedom of the individual, and for this reason allows them to exist, because they are part of the human condition after original sin."
Benedict XVI added that Christ's Heart, full of Love for man led Him to carry, along with the cross, all these torments: our suffering, our sorrow, our hunger and thirst for Justice.
May God bless and keep the Holy Father !
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Bishop Williamson expresses ‘regret’ for Holocaust comments’ effects
"I can truthfully say that I regret having made such remarks, and that if I had known beforehand the full harm and hurt to which they would give rise, especially to the Church, but also to survivors and relatives of victims of injustice under the Third Reich, I would not have made them"
More than strange the attitude of many 'catholics' beside Bishop Williams and antisemitic reactions , as much having deep sympathy for the chosen one Hussein Obama , 'catholics' giving him all the support in all his pro-choice and homosexual agenda .
All my best thoughts and blessings !
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sunday urged to be ‘day of fervent prayer’ for Pope Benedict XVI
humbly kneeling at Thy feet
and begging Thee to preserve,
defend and save the Sovereign Pontiff for many years.
He is the Father of the great fellowship of souls
and our Father as well. On this day,
as on every other day,
he is praying for us also,
and is offering unto Thee with holy fervour
the sacred Victim of Love and Peace.
Of Thy great mercy grant, O Lord,
that not one of us may be far from his mind
and his heart in the hour that he prays
and offers unto Thee the Sacrifice of Thy blessed Son.
At the moment when our venerable High Priest,
holding in His hands the very Body of Jesus Christ,
shall say to the people over the Chalice of benediction these words:
"The peace of the Lord be with you always,"
grant, O Lord, that Thy sweet peace
may come down upon our hearts and upon all the nations
with new and manifest power. Amen
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Pope Rebukes Pelosi, Tells Her Catholic Legislators Obligated to Protect Life
Such encounters with the Pope are treasured by politicians for the photo opportunity they provide. Pelosi, however, was not afforded that customary photo by the Vatican. The Associated Press reports that "the Vatican said it was not issuing a photo of the meeting -- as it usually does when the pope meets world leaders -- saying the encounter was private."
Pelosi said happily : "It is with great joy that my husband, Paul, and I met with his Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI today," . "In our conversation, I had the opportunity to praise the Church's leadership in fighting poverty, hunger, and global warming ( ???? ) , as well as the Holy Father's dedication to religious freedom and his upcoming trip and message to Israel."
( ohh really.. )
Pelosi's positive spin on the meeting is not being swallowed even by left-leaning Papal watchers. Vatican correspondent John Allen, who writes for the National Catholic Reporter, noted that "routine Vatican declarations after diplomatic meetings also generally sum up the range of issues discussed rather than concentrating on a particular point. In that sense, the statement can only be read as a rejection of Pelosi's statements last summer, and, in general, of her argument that it's acceptable for Catholics in public life to take a pro-choice position."
Many pro-life organizations from the US and Canada expressed their serious concerns to the Holy See that Mrs. Pelosi was going to be received by the Holy Father. Some of these organizations sent to different Vatican authorities comprehensive memoranda in which they showed in a detailed and precise way the anti-life statements and the pro-death voting record of Mrs. Pelosi.
Catholic sources in Rome, who asked to remain anonymous, said they were "very much encouraged by this statement," saying that it shows that the "Holy Father is ready to stand up with courage to politicians that claim they are Catholics but their voting record denies those hypocritical assertions."
Friday, February 13, 2009
May God long keep and bless our Pope
Holy Father said that Holocaust denial is intolerable and unacceptable .
VATICAN CITY, 12 FEB 2009 (VIS) - At midday today, the Holy Father received members of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organisations.
Speaking English, the Pope began his remarks by recalling his first visit to a synagogue, in the German city of Cologne in August 2005. He then mentioned his trip, in May of the following year, to the extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau. "As I walked through the entrance to that place of horror, the scene of such untold suffering", he said, "I meditated on the countless number of prisoners, so many of them Jews, who had trodden that same path into captivity at Auschwitz and in all the other prison camps".
"How can we begin to grasp the enormity of what took place in those infamous prisons? The entire human race feels deep shame at the savage brutality shown to your people at that time", he said.
The Pope then noted how today's visit "occurs in the context of your visit to Italy in conjunction with your annual Leadership Mission to Israel. I too am preparing to visit Israel, a land which is holy for Christians as well as Jews, since the roots of our faith are to be found there".
"The Church is profoundly and irrevocably committed to reject all anti- Semitism and to continue to build good and lasting relations between our two communities. If there is one particular image which encapsulates this commitment, it is the moment when my beloved predecessor Pope John Paul II stood at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, pleading for God's forgiveness after all the injustice that the Jewish people have had to suffer"
"The hatred and contempt for men, women and children that was manifested in the Shoah was a crime against God and against humanity. ... It is beyond question that any denial or minimisation of this terrible crime is intolerable and altogether unacceptable".
"This terrible chapter in our history must never be forgotten. Remembrance - it is rightly said - is 'memoria futuri', a warning to us for the future, and a summons to strive for reconciliation. To remember is to do everything in our power to prevent any recurrence of such a catastrophe within the human family by building bridges of lasting friendship.
"It is my fervent prayer that the memory of this appalling crime will strengthen our determination to heal the wounds that for too long have sullied relations between Christians and Jews", Benedict XVI concluded. "It is my heartfelt desire that the friendship we now enjoy will grow ever stronger, so that the Church's irrevocable commitment to respectful and harmonious relations with the people of the Covenant will bear fruit in abundance".
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Latest News
The Vatican has demanded that British Bishop Richard Williamson retract statements on the Holocaust before being fully readmitted into the Roman Catholic Church. The Vatican also said in a statement that Pope Benedict XVI didn't know about Bishop Richard Williamson's views when he agreed to lift his excommunication on January 21. German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday urged the pontiff to make a clearer denunciation of Holocaust denials. Williamson told Swedish television that the Nazis killed 200,000 to 300,000 Jews, far fewer than the six million Jews historians accept. Williamson also denied the existence of gas chambers. Denying that the Holocaust took place is a criminal offence in Germany that carries a maximum five-year jail sentence.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I'm Blue ...: )))))
You give your love and friendship unconditionally. You enjoy long, thoughtful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Day by day take your time to pray , take time to talk with God
We hear people say "I don't have time to pray." With this type of focusing and active consciousness, we find ourselves surprised at the time we really do have. There are dozens of times in all of our days during which our minds are occupied with something: a song, re-playing the last event, practicing a conversation with someone, having an imaginary argument with someone, thinking through the "to do" list of the day. We can learn to fill these times with whatever we choose.
If we choose to let it be about our relationship with our Lord, it transforms our lives.
It all begins with our mornings. This week, when we first get up and perhaps for a few moments in the shower or getting dressed, let's tell the Lord that what we desire today is to be more conscious of how what we do this day is responding to his call to me to be his disciple. Then, during the day, in those moments while driving or shopping or walking down the hall to a meeting, we can talk about how we are living our call in this or that activity we are engaged in . Let us talk with God the Father , The Redeemer and the Comforter , let us pray :
Dear Lord, at times, my heart is quite sluggish. Give me hope today. Lift my spirits and give me perspective. When I find myself stiff and inflexible, make me into a new wineskin to receive the alive, new wine with which you wish to fill me. And let me be open to your call to discipleship today. What are the opportunities to preach your Word today? Where can I drive out demons, rather than sit with their discouragement and division? Please fill my home, my workplace, my heart with your Spirit and be always with me . Amen
Daily Gospel ( January 18 , 2009 )
The second reading is from the first Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 in which St. Paul makes it crystal clear that justifying fornication as part of Christian liberty is an incorrect interpretation of his preaching and that the body must be preserved from all immorality.
The Gospel is from St. John 1:35-42 and gives an account of the vocation of the first four Apostles who followed Jesus.
It was a momentous event in the history of salvation. It was the beginning of a stream of vocations that would grow and spread down through the ages until the end of the world.
It was momentous, firstly, in that Christ, who had come to open heaven for all men and who could find means of bringing them all to that eternal home without help from any man, decided instead to let men co-operate with Him in this divine task. He decreed to set up a kingdom in this world—His Church—which would be run by mere mortals for their fellow-mortals, but which would be under his protection and assisted by His divine aid until the end of time.
Christ chose this very human way, in order to make his Church more acceptable to our limited, human understanding and more approachable for sinful, human nature.
Today, let us thank our blessed Lord who provided so humanly—and yet so divinely for our eternal welfare. In the Church, which He founded on the lowly but solid foundation of simple fishermen of Galilee, He erected an institution against which the gates of hell, the power of all the enemies of our salvation, cannot prevail, for His divine guidance and help will be with it forever. Christ Church has had enemies and opposition from the beginning; they may be more numerous and more destructive than ever today. But the promise of Christ still holds good, his word cannot fail. Therefore, neither the opposition of materialistic enemies from without, nor the even more insidious attacks from faint-hearted and worldly-minded members from within, nothing can affect the safety and permanence of the building which Christ built on the Rock.
God Bless you all reading !
January 2009 ( Liturgical Year )
The opening days of January may be cold and nature bleak, but the domestic church still glows warm with the peace and joy of Christmas. We dedicate the New Year to Mary on the January 1st Solemnity honoring her as Mother of God; and on January 4, the Solemnity of Epiphany, we rejoice with her, as her Son is adored by the three Wise Men.
Herald John, who ushered in the Advent season, is present once again to close Christmastide on the feast of the Baptism of Our Lord (The First Luminous Mystery), and to open the Season of Ordinary Time. He points to Jesus, the Lamb of God who unites time and eternity in the Eucharistic Sacrifice, and even January’s diminishing darkness seems to echo St. John’s prayer: “He must increase and I must decrease.”
In this liturgical season the Church eagerly follows Our Lord as he gathers his apostles and announces his mission. At Cana’s wedding feast (The Second Luminous Mystery) he performs his first public miracle at the request of his Mother, and his disciples saw his glory and believed in him.
We, his present-day disciples, pray for a like faith as we contemplate the eternal wedding feast of the Lamb and the unique role of the Blessed Mother in the plan of salvation. May we wholeheartedly obey her words of counsel: “Do whatever he tells you.”
The feasts on the General Roman Calendar celebrated during the month of January are:
1. Mary, Mother of God, Solemnity
2. Basil the Great; Gregory Nazianzen, Memorial
4. Epiphany of the Lord, Solemnity
5. John Neumann, Memorial
6. Bl. Andre Bessette, Opt. Mem.
7. Raymond of Penafort, Opt. Mem.
11. Baptism of the Lord, Sunday
13. Hilary; Kentigern (Scotland), Opt. Mem.
17. Anthony, Memorial
18. 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sunday
20. Fabian; Sebastian, Opt. Mem.
21. Agnes, Memorial
22. Vincent of Saragossa, Opt. Mem.
24. Francis de Sales; Our Lady of Peace, Memorial
25. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sunday
26. Timothy and Titus, Memorial
27. Angela Merici, Opt. Mem.
28. Thomas Aquinas, Memorial
31. John Bosco, Memorial
Eternal Father, I offer You the most precious blood of thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, for those in my own home and in my family. Amen
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