It is granted to few to recognize the true Church amid the darkness of so many schisms and heresies,
and to fewer still so to love the truth which they have seen as to fly to its embrace. -St. Robert Bellarmine

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Notre Dame Students Condemn University President for Allowing Obama Speech

All this story is remembering me a scene from a movie : devil's Advocate , the scene when evil had the nerve to come inside the cathedrale and makes the water boil in the entrace holy water fount .
The same nerve is having the chosen one , his desire is look like as price of glory to come inside of catholic Notre Dame College , to mock all values of catholicism , to gain another kind virtual ( and very ephemere ) victory ( with the help of some arrogant pseudo - catholics )
In response to the announcement that the pro-abortion “rights” Obama will deliver the commencement address at Notre Dame, has partnered with the Cardinal Newman Society to establish a web petition for Catholics and others who wish to protest the university’s invitation of the president. Petition protesting Obama speech at Notre Dame nearing 90,000 ( this detail is for the anonymous comments )
While much of the condemnation of the speech pro-abortion Obama will be allowed to give at Notre Dame's graduation ceremony has come from outside the university, an ad hoc assembly of student groups representing thousands of students is opposing the decision.
"In defense of the unborn, we wish to express our deepest opposition to Reverend John I. Jenkins' invitation of pr.Obama to be the University of Notre Dame’s principal commencement speaker and the recipient of an honorary degree," the groups said .
Also Notre Dame students said that the social justice issue of our day is the deliberate, legal attack on the most vulnerable members of society, the unborn. To award a Notre Dame law degree to a lawyer and politician who has used the law to deny equality to the unborn diminishes the value of the degree itself.
Standing for their rights

Read more about , in Notre Dame Response

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Our Lady Weeps, The Struggle for Notre Dame is Engaged

Great article about Honorary Doctor of Law Degree to President Barack Obama , wriiten by Deacon Keith Fournier
There is a struggle underway for the Catholic identity of “Our Lady’s University” and the faithful have been roused again to a new Catholic Action.
One after another, lay defenders of the Catholic faith used their perches at the intersection of faith and culture to call attention to the troubling announcement that one of the Nation’s premier Catholic Universities, the University of Notre Dame, was going to award an Honorary Doctor of Law Degree to President Barack Obama and have him send off the graduating class of 2009 as their Commencement speaker.
Pro-life leaders including Joe Scheidler, Deal Hudson, Austin Ruse, Patrick Reilly, Drew Mariani…. all denounced the invitation, calling attention to the fact that this President, in less than 100 days in office, has demonstrated by his executive orders and political appointments that he does not recognize the fundamental human Right to Life, and fails to hear the cry of those whom Mother Teresa rightly called, the “poorest of the poor”, children in the first home of the whole human race. Patrick Reilly, through the outstanding work of the “Cardinal Newman Society” immediately launched a massive petition effort
The Catechism in Paragraph 972 quotes this insight from the 2d Vatican Council: “…the Mother of Jesus, in the glory which she possesses in body and soul in heaven, is the image and beginning of the Church as it is to be perfected in the world to come. Likewise she shines forth on earth until the day of the Lord shall come, a sign of certain hope and comfort to the pilgrim People of God.” The University of Notre Dame is “Our Lady’s University”. As such, it is a symbol of the Catholic Church for the whole world.
With this choice, I believe the University has made Our Lady Weep. I encourage all who read this article to continue to strongly and loudly protest this choice by the leadership of Notre Dame and try to have it rescinded. If we are unsuccessful, then let us all take our cue from the Catholics of Connecticut whose Catholic Action recently prevented the passage of anti-Catholic legislation in Hartford. Let’s get the busses ready for a trip to South Bend, Indiana.
The Struggle for Notre Dame is engaged.

Read whole article here

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Papal Message to Conference on Women

Women have a crucial role to play in promoting human rights, the dignity of life and the family, Pope Benedict XVI said to all participants in an international congress on the theme "Life, Family, Development: The Role of Women in the Promotion of Human Rights," which took place Friday and Saturday in the Vatican . This important event was organized and sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, the World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations and the Rome-based World Women's Alliance for Life and Family.
The Holy Father asked participants carry on the task of correcting the misconception "that Christianity is simply a collection of commandments and prohibitions." He wonderfully said : "as you reflect on the role of women in the promotion of human rights, I invite you to keep in mind a task to which I have drawn attention on several occasions: namely, to correct any misconception that Christianity is simply a collection of commandments and prohibitions. The Gospel is a message of joy which encourages men and women to delight in spousal love; far from stifling it, Christian faith and ethics make it healthy, strong and truly free. This is the exact meaning of the Ten Commandments: they are not a series of "noes" but a great "yes" to love and to life .
Deo Gratias for this charismatic and insightful message , God bless and keep our Holy Father Benedict XVI

Eternal Father, I offer You the most precious blood of thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, for those in my own home and in my family. Amen