It is granted to few to recognize the true Church amid the darkness of so many schisms and heresies,
and to fewer still so to love the truth which they have seen as to fly to its embrace. -St. Robert Bellarmine

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Daily meditation and prayer

for Thursday of the FifthWeek of Lent ( Genesis 17:3-9Psalm 105:4-5, 6-7, 8-9John 8:51-59 )

We hear – but, we do not understand.
In today’s Gospel, the Jews heard, but, they did not understand.“…whoever keeps my word will never see death.” I understand that statement of Jesus within the context of eternal life – and, not simply one’s physical life on earth. If I keep His Word, I will not see [eternal] death.I read the liturgical Readings of today and realize from both the Old Testament and the New Testament that God’s covenant is kept if we do our part. Both the Genesis Reading and Responsorial Psalm 105 emphasize the keeping of God’s covenant with Abraham. This theme of ‘covenant keeping’ is re-iterated by Jesus.

In today’s Gospel, we are asked to allow God to work within ourselves to change us. We are asked not to pursue Earthly things, but to pursue Heavenly things! We must not glorify ourselves, but allow God to glorify us, as Jesus says. We must remain faithful to God, and we “shall not taste death.”

How do we do that? How do we strive to remain faithful to God and be all that God wants us to be in this era? How do we live up to that potential that God wants us to? I don’t have any answers for these questions. These are all things which I struggle with constantly. We all have times that we have fallen short of what God wants from us. Sometimes I get so busy that I don’t take time for others. Sometimes, it’s easier and more convenient for me to make my own plans instead of discerning what it is that God wants from me.

We must remember that we have a forgiving God. When we don’t do everything we can to follow God, we have been blessed with the opportunity to ask God for forgiveness. Whether that is through personal prayer or a formal reconciliation service, we have the opportunity to receive forgiveness and continue to keep God at the front of our lives.

"If I glorify myself, my glory is worth nothing;? but it is my Father who glorifies me." John 8:54

Novena to Saint Joseph ( Spouse of the Blessed Virgin, Virginal Father of Jesus and Patron of the Universal Church († ca. 30)

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In the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you

O Saint Joseph,
my patron and my advocate,
to you do I have recourse
that you may obtain for me that grace for which I humbly pray.
It is that the disappointments
and the bitterness in my life
are the just punishment for my sins.
But even If I recognize my own guilt,
need I lose hope in obtaining the help of the Lord?
‘Oh no,’ would be the answer of your devoted client,
Saint Theresa, ‘indeed, nor all you poor sinners.
No matter how great your needs,
turn to the powerful help of Saint Joseph.
Go to Saint Joseph with sincere confidence
and rest assured that your pleas will be heard.’

Following the teaching of Saint Theresa,
therefore, I present myself before your glorious throne,
0 Holy Saint Joseph
and beg for your powerful intercession in my present tribulations.
Bring my petitions before the throne of God,
that by your power and mercy
I may obtain that which of myself
I would not be worthy to receive.
And grant that having obtained the favorable answer to my petition,
I may return to your altar
and there fulfill my devotion of praise and thanksgiving for your Intercession.

Remember O most merciful foster father of the Lord Jesus,
that no one who has ever had recourse to you was left unaided.
Countless are the graces and favors which you have obtained
in answer to the prayers addressed to you.
The sick, the oppressed, those who suffer injustice,
the betrayed, the abandoned, in short,
all who have had recourse to your protection
were aided in their afflictions.

O Holy Saint Joseph,
do not leave me to be the only one to be deprived of your help.
Show yourself kindly and generously even to me,
so that my prayers of thanksgiving for your mercy
may rebound for the greater glory of God.

O Saint Joseph,
head of the Holy Family,
I venerate you from the profoundest depth of my heart.
To the afflicted who have appealed to you before me,
you have granted comfort and peace.
Console even my own poor afflicted soul.
You know all my needs, Saint Joseph,
even before I set them before you in prayers.
O powerful Saint Joseph,
you know how important this petition is for me.
I place all my hope in your intercession.

Grant me the answer to the favor
for which I so desperately pray
and I pledge myself to spread your devotion everywhere and to support,
within the limits of my abilities,
those charities which, in your name,
aid the afflicted and the dying throughout the world.

Saint Joseph,
consoler of the afflicted,
have mercy on my Sorrow.


Saint Joseph have mercy and save my mother from all her illness , help her in all her weakness and let her live a long life with us . Please save my mother , blessed Head of the Holy Family , foster father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus .

Saint Joseph , Spouse of the Blessed Virgin, Virginal Father of Jesus and Patron of the Universal Church († ca. 30) Novena

Saint Joseph was by birth of the royal family of David, but was living in humble obscurity as a carpenter, until God raised him to the highest office ever accorded a mortal man, by choosing him to be the spouse of the Virgin Mother, the virginal father and guardian of the Incarnate Word. Joseph, says Holy Scripture, was a just man. He was innocent and pure, as became the husband of Mary; he was gentle and tender, as one worthy to be named the father of Jesus; he was prudent and a lover of silence, as became the master of the holy house; above all, he was faithful and obedient to divine calls.

His conversation was with Angels rather than with men. When he learned that Mary bore within Her womb the Lord of heaven, he feared to take Her as his wife; but an Angel bade him put his fear aside, and all doubts vanished. When Herod sought the life of the divine Infant, an Angel told Joseph in a dream to fly with the Child and His Mother into Egypt. Joseph at once arose and obeyed. This sudden and unexpected flight must have exposed both him and his little Family to many inconveniences and sufferings; the journey with a newborn infant and a tender virgin was long, and the greater part of the way led through deserts and among strangers. Yet Saint Joseph alleges no excuses, nor inquires at what time they were to return.

Saint Chrysostom observes that God treats in this way all His servants, sending them frequent trials to clear their hearts from the rust of self-love, but intermixing with afflictions, seasons of consolation. It is the opinion of the Fathers that when the Holy Family entered Egypt, at the presence of the Child Jesus all the oracles of that superstitious country were struck dumb, and the statues of their gods trembled, and in many places fell to the ground. The Fathers also attribute to this holy visit the spiritual benediction poured on that country, which made it for many ages fruitful in Saints.

After the death of King Herod, of which Saint Joseph was informed in another vision, God ordered him to return with the Child and His Mother into the land of Israel, which our Saint readily accomplished. But when he arrived in Judea, hearing that Archelaus had succeeded Herod in that part of the land, and apprehensive that the son might be infected with his father’s vices, he feared to settle there, as he would otherwise probably have done, for the education of the Child. Therefore, directed by God through still another angelic visit, he retired into the dominions of Herod Antipas in Galilee, and to his former habitation in Nazareth.

Saint Joseph, a strict observer of the Mosaic law, journeyed each year at the time of the Passover to Jerusalem. Our Saviour, in the twelfth year of His age, accompanied His parents. Having participated in the usual ceremonies of the feast, the parents were returning with many of their neighbors and acquaintances towards Galilee, and never doubted that Jesus was with some of the company. They traveled on for a whole day’s journey before they discovered that He was not with them. But when night came on and they could find no trace of Him among their kindred and acquaintances, they, in the deepest affliction, returned with the utmost haste to Jerusalem. We are left to imagine their tears and their efforts to find Him. After an anxious search of three days they discovered Him in the Temple, discoursing with the learned doctors of the law, and asking them such questions as aroused the admiration of all who heard Him. His Mother told Him with what grief and earnestness they had sought Him and asked, “Son, why have You dealt with us in this way? Behold, Your Father and I have searched for You in great affliction of mind.” The young Saviour answered, “How is it that You sought Me? Did You not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” In this way Jesus encourages all young persons who are called to serve God to persevere in that high vocation, whatever the cost. But we are told that although He had remained in the Temple unknown to His parents, in all other things He was obedient to them, returning with them to Nazareth, and living there in all dutiful subjection to them.

As no further mention is made of Saint Joseph, he must have died before the marriage feast of Cana and the beginning of our divine Saviour’s ministry. We cannot doubt that he had the happiness of the presence of Jesus and Mary at his death, praying beside him, assisting and comforting him in his last moments; therefore he is invoked for the great grace of a happy death and the spiritual presence of Jesus in that hour.

Eternal Father, I offer You the most precious blood of thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, for those in my own home and in my family. Amen